Footprint Calculation

Delve deep into how your organization's carbon emissions are calculated, and what it means

Developed by
Standard Carbon Inc.

Understanding your Dashboard

Carbon emissions from employee commuting is calculated using GHG Protocol's distance-based method. Our database uses carbon emission factors from United States Environment Protection Agency, and UK DEFRA.

Total Emissions
Total emissions account for the emissions produced by an organization's employee commuting.

How your emissions are calculated 🡥

Participation Rate
The total percentage of employees who have completed their commute analysis.

Top Emitters
Discover the commuting methods that has the most impact on your carbon emissions.

# of Entries by Method
The number of employees that uses the respective commuting method.

Gain insight on the commuting distance of your workforce.


Carbon Emission Calculation

Carbon emissions from employee commuting is calculated using GHG Protocol's distance-based method. Our database uses carbon emission factors from United States Environment Protection Agency, and UK DEFRA.

Emissions Factor

Our database uses carbon emission factors gathered from United States Environmental Protection Agency and United Kingdom's Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs

Our database uses carbon emission factors gathered from United State Environmetnal Protection Agency and United Kingdom's Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs.

US EPA 2024 GHG Emission Factors Hub 🡥
UK DEFRA Conversion Factors 2023 🡥

Distance Travelled in a Year
Multiply the entered one way distance by two to get the two way distance. Multiplied by the total working days to get the total distance traveled in a year.

Total working days are determined by how many days an employee commutes to work, calculated using their work-from-home entry and the standard working days (260).

Commuting Methods
Specifying the commuting methods taken determines the carbon emission factor used.

Frequency of the selected commuting methods
We determine the distance share of a commuting method by gathering the sum of all the commuting method's frequency weight.

The sum is divided by the selected commuting method to calculate the portion of the selected frequency method.

Carpool Responsibility Share
Carbon emission responsibility is divided equally among the occupants of the vehicle. This percentage is only applied to the following private car commuting methods.

Passenger Car, EV, SUV, or Light-Duty Truck.


Translating emissions into tangible terms makes abstract measurement more understandable. This is useful when communicating strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, setting reduction targets, or promoting initiatives aimed at lowering emissions. However, these estimates are approximate and should not be used for emissions inventories or formal carbon emissions analysis.

GHG Sequestered from:
Matured Tree(s)
According to EcoTree, a tree captures an average of 25 kg CO2 per year. Trees sequester between 10 to 40 kg CO2 annually, depending on species age and conditions.
Ecotree 🡥

Acre(s) of an average U.S. forest
One acre of U.S. forests captures approximately 860 kg CO2 annually, based on 2021 data from U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Sinks inventory. This reflects the net removal of CO2 from the atmosphere by these forests each year.

GHG Emitted from:
Smartphone(s) fully charged
Charging a smartphone results in approximately 0.0151 kg CO2 emissions per charge, based on U.S. DOE and EPA data for 2021. This calculation includes the energy consumed during the charging minus the maintenance mode energy, multiplied by the emission factor for delivered electricity.

Day(s) of electricity for a home
In 2021, the average U.S. home emitted about 5,067 kg CO2 from electricity consumption. This calculation considers an annual consumption of 12,154 kWh per home and the national average CO2 emissions rate for delivered electricity.

Carbon Reduction for Companies

Reducing Scope 3 Employee Commuting emissions is a crucial step in making your company more sustainable. Not only does it help the planet, but it can also boost employee morale and save costs. Here are some simple, effective ways to cut down on those commuting emissions and promote a greener workplace.

Encourage Remote Work

  • Encourage or require employees to work from home part-time or full-time. This can significantly cut down commuting emissions.

  • Allow employees to work flexible hours to avoid pea traffic times, whic can reduce emissions from idling and slow-moving traffic.

Promote Sustainable Transportation

  • Provide subsidies or reimbursements for public transport passes to encourage employees to use buses, trains or subways instead of driving.

  • Establish carpooling programs or partner with carpooling apps to facilitate shared rides among employees.

Support Active Transport

  • Offer incentives for employees who walk or bike to work, such as bike storage facilities, showers or financial rewards.

  • Partner with local bike-sharing programs to provide easy access to bicycles for employees.

Invest in Infrastructure

  • Install EV charging stations at your office to encourage the use of electric vehicles.

  • Implement policies that discourage single-occupancy vehicle use, such as reducing parking space availability or increasing parking fees.

Educational Campaigns

  • Educate employees about the environmental impact of commuting and the benefits of sustainable transportation options.

  • Organize competitions or challenges that reward employees for reducing their commuting emissions.

Carbon Reduction for Individuals

Cutting down on commuting emissions is a fantastic way to contribute toa greener planet and reduce your carbon footprint. Here are simple, practical tips to help you make your commute more sustainable.

Switch up your commuting method
Consider biking, walking, or using public transportation instead of driving.

Take public transit more often
Incorporate buses or trains into your routine a few times a week.

Carpool with Colleagues
Share rides with coworkers to reduce the number of cars on the road.

Increase your work-from-home days
Work from home more frequently to cut down on commuting emissions.

Software Made by an Accredited Body

Standard Carbon Inc. is accredited under ISO 14065:2020 by the Standards Council of Canada (SCC), a member and signatory of the International Accreditation Forum (IAF).

The SCC Greenhouse Gas Accreditation allows Standard Carbon to complete validations and verifications of GHG statements related to GHG inventories, GHG projects, and carbon footprints of products in accordance with ISO 14064-3.

Learn more about our accreditation 🡥

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Getting Started

Begin your sustainability journey and learn how calculate the largest source of emissions in your organization.



Delve deep into how your organization's carbon emissions are calculated, and what it means.



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